Liz has inspired me to share funny Q and A stories. Night before last, we had baby shell noodles for dinner, and Quinton decided that they looked like perfect homes for tiny hermit crabs. He was telling Aislinn how delicious hermit crabs were, and she became incensed, insisting that hermit crabs would never fit inside those shells, and even if they did, they'd be too hard to eat. Quinton then informed her that the adults were just deep fried, and that in their "larval form," hermit crabs were always soft and tasty, like noodles. She thought about this for a minute, then said, "ok," and continued eating.
This morning on the way to school, Quinton was practicing his rapping sound skills with his mouth, which he has apparently recently learned at school (remember that one Christmas, Beck, when Dad asked us to wrap?), and then he turns to Aislinn and says, "You try." She makes a half-hearted effort to do the raspberry deep bass sound, then devolves into a coughing fit. Quinton says, "No, Silly, it's like this..." then his effort somehow turns into a Donald Duck voice. The entire trip to school ended up being a complex array of soundbits from whistles to snorts all mingled with Quinton's pplllb/ch ch rapping and a whole lot of giggling, including mine. Every trip to school should be so entertaining.
7 years ago
So darling!! Q&A are quite the pair!! Love to all
HA cute! i cant wait til i have cute kids to write funny stories about! The best I have is the crazy day care kids a work that tell me i just need to pick someone and get married....its almost worse then being at BYU-I...
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